
Infrared Consulting Services infrared detection technology

Are Infrared Windows the Thing of the Future?

Anyone who deals with maintaining electrical systems has likely heard of infrared windows. However, since these windows aren’t widely used, some professionals don’t know much about them. As the world of infrared detection technology continues to evolve, the use of infrared windows is expected to become more popular. These windows allow thermographic imaging professionals to do their jobs more efficiently, accurately and also save businesses money on their inspections. Here are some of the main reasons why infrared windows may be the thing of the future.

How Infrared Windows Work

Most electrical components are covered by metal or another solid material. This presents a challenge for infrared inspection services, since they need a clear line of sight in order to effectively use their equipment. These covers are necessary from a business safety standpoint, but they also come with great risks to thermographers during the infrared scan.

Infrared windows are known as the solution to this problem. The thermographers will no longer have to spend time removing panels and covers and putting them back on afterward. The infrared window has either a plastic or metal frame and supports an infrared transmissive optic, with a cover to protect the optic when it’s not needed.

Placement of Infrared Windows

It’s important for all electrical enclosures to have an infrared window. When infrared inspection services come into a business to conduct a survey, they need to have access to all equipment. Having an infrared window installed on each of the enclosures will allow the thermographer to get the thermal images they need quickly so no time will be wasted. 

However, installing infrared windows isn’t cheap, and the cost can add up depending on how many electrical enclosures you have. If your business is forced to limit the amount of infrared windows you can install, choose the enclosures that are difficult to open, have different safety hazards and need frequent inspections.

Benefits of Infrared Windows to Businesses

It may seem like infrared windows are only beneficial to infrared thermographers. That is true from a functionality standpoint, but businesses can also benefit from them. If your entire shop or workplace has infrared windows on each electrical enclosure, you could reduce the time spent on your infrared inspection significantly.

One of the main reasons why a thermographic imaging inspection takes so long is because the thermographer has to remove covers in order to get a clear view of the equipment to inspect. The quicker the process takes, the more money a business saves. Plus, the accuracy is going to be much higher with each inspection since there are no obstructions with the infrared windows.

Infrared Consulting Services has over 30 years of experience in the industry and knows exactly how to help your business save time and money. Be sure to contact us to learn more about infrared windows and to set up an appointment for your infrared testing needs.

Infrared Consulting Services thermography inspection

Covers and Panels: Should They Really Be Taken Off?

One of the main challenges thermographers face during infrared electrical inspection procedures is having to remove protective covers and panels housing the equipment. While these panels are necessary from a work safety perspective, they can cause problems during a thermography inspection.

Infrared technology works more effectively when there is a clear line of sight to the equipment. When thermographers have to take the time to remove panels and covers, it takes them longer to complete the inspection, which costs businesses more money. But how necessary is it really to remove the panels? Read on to find out the importance.

Find The Source of the Problem

Thermographers can get decent images when they bypass the process of removing covers and panels. Essentially, they can see if there is a potential issue or temperature difference, but it’s virtually impossible to determine the source of the issue. Once the panel is removed for the thermographic imaging equipment, you will get a clearer picture of the underlying issue. This allows for more targeted repairs at the actual source of the problem rather than guessing at what may be causing the issue.

Cost Savings of Keeping Covers and Panels On

The longer an infrared electrical inspection takes, the more money a business will have to spend on the survey. This is one of the reasons why companies tell the thermographers to leave the covers and panels on and do the best job they can in order to save money. While this is a good short-term money-saving technique, it can obviously lead to much larger issues in the long-term.

Since thermographic imaging technology has to be clear of obstructions to be completely effective, thermographers can’t do their jobs to the best of their ability when they are limited. When companies choose to take shortcuts by not removing covers and panels, they are actually putting the business at greater risk of electrical fires and equipment malfunctions later on.

Precision and Accuracy is Critical With IR Testing

Every thermographic image taken by a thermographer tells a story about a particular piece of equipment. Without a clear view of the equipment, thermographers have to guess at what is happening in a certain situation. The main solution is to remove the covers and panels to ensure there are no obstructions so clear thermal imaging can be taken.

Another alternative businesses are choosing is to install infrared windows. These windows allow thermographers to do the most effective job without having to take the time to remove panels and covers. Companies will have to spend some money upfront to install the infrared windows, but the windows will pay for themselves over time after several inspections take place.

Infrared Consulting Services knows exactly how to be most efficient and effective when it comes to a thermography inspection. To learn more about how infrared technology works, or to book your inspection appointment, be sure to contact us.

Look for energy leaks with thermographic imaging.

Where Are Energy Leaks Most Often Found in Commercial Buildings?

Energy leaks are common in commercial buildings. The bad thing is most business owners don’t even know they are wasting energy and money with each passing day. What business owner or maintenance professional has the time to survey the entire building for energy leaks? Luckily, these leaks tend to collect in a few common areas. It can be difficult to detect these leaks without the help of thermographic imaging so here are the most common places to find them.

HVAC System

You may have the top-of-the-line HVAC system in your commercial building, but without frequent electrical testing and inspection, you could still be wasting energy. HVAC systems with poorly sealed ducts most commonly create energy leaks. However, you also need to frequently check your electrical connections since a corroded or loose connection could cause the system to overheat and use more energy than necessary.

Electrical Systems

Transformers and control circuits are the two main culprits of energy waste when it comes to electrical systems. Most people don’t think electrical systems can waste energy so they don’t check them. However, with the help of thermal imaging services, you can detect any sort of energy leak coming from an electrical system and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Building Envelope

The building envelope is the entire building structure, including the roof, the walls, doors, windows, penetrations and anything else. It’s nearly impossible to have a perfect building envelope so that’s why thermographic imaging is important to detect places where energy could be leaking. Any part of the building envelope is prone to leaking, but frequent maintenance could significantly reduce the amount of energy loss.

Generators and Motors

Electrical motors always waste energy. They frequently malfunction and overheat so monitoring and testing them is critical to reducing energy waste. Be sure to check all of the bearings, electrical connections, airflow and other components to ensure the energy leaks are as minimal as possible.

Energy leaks can come from almost anywhere in a commercial building. No one has the time to check these components on a daily basis as required so contact us at Infrared Consulting Services. Together, we can schedule a thermographic imaging test to help reduce the amount of energy leaks at your business.

Save money and energy with an electrical infrared survey.

How Can an Electrical Infrared Survey Save Money and Energy?

Businesses nowadays are looking for ways to save a dollar any chance they get. However, some companies are unwilling to spend even a little bit of money upfront to prevent a larger issue from potentially happening down the road. When it comes to electrical inspections, the expenses a business pays upfront are well worth the cost when compared to a major repair to systems and equipment. So how can you save money and energy by getting routine electrical inspections? Let’s dive into the details.

Inspections Detect Hot Spots Before They Cause Problems

With the help of electrical thermal imaging, an operator can actually see problems in equipment before they escalate. The main reason equipment fails is because there is an electrical issue, including overloaded circuits, bad fuses, loose connections or even defective breakers.

When something isn’t working properly, chances are the temperature will be higher than it would be during normal operation. That’s when the thermographic imaging equipment will detect the bad spot and prompt the operator to evaluate the problem.

Saving Money and Energy

You will pay a little bit to get preventive maintenance inspections, but think about how much you’re saving in the long run. If you have faulty equipment running at a higher temperature than it should, it’s using a lot more energy to operate normally. As a result, you will be spending more money in energy costs, which can quickly add up.

Also, if you don’t have routine maintenance done by way of an electrical infrared survey, you are putting your company at risk of paying a significant amount of money to replace a completely defective piece of equipment. When you’re talking about systems that make your company operate smoothly, you may end up losing more than money, depending on the severity of the issue.

Are Electrical Inspections Worth It?

If you’re interested in making sure the normal day-to-day business operations run without a hitch, it’s worth it to complete an electrical infrared survey periodically. You would likely only need to have the inspection completed two or three times each year, but the long-term benefits speak for themselves.

Contact us with any questions you may have about the thermographic imaging process and how we can help keep your business functioning in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible!

Identify problems with thermographic imaging.

How Does Thermographic Imaging Work?

Many things in life either give heat off or absorb heat from their surroundings. The way this heat disperses can tell you a lot about what’s going on behind the scenes, especially in a commercial building. This is why thermographic imaging services are often used to determine the structural integrity of a building, as well as to identify issues that may be hidden to the naked eye. Understanding how a thermal imaging inspection works can help you determine if it’s the right step for you.

A Special Lens

If you look at the world around you, you won’t see heat sources. Everything is a specific color based on the way it bends the light. However, when you look at the same objects through the special lens of thermographic imaging equipment, everything tells a much different story. You will see varying shades of blue, green, red and yellow, along with a spectrum of colors in between. The blues and greens indicate cooler temperatures, while reds and yellows indicate the presence of heat. It is only through a special thermographic lens you can see these colors and interpret what they mean.

Find energy leaks with the help of thermographic imaging services.

Thermographic imaging services can help you find energy leaks.

How It Works

When you aim the thermographic imaging equipment at an object, the thermogram, or depiction of the temperature ranges, is measured and translated into electrical impulses. These electrical impulses are then sent to the signal-processing unit of the machine, which consists of a circuit board that contains a dedicated chip. This chip effectively translates the impulses and shares them on the unit’s display in a pattern of colors that is easy to read. This technology can be used in any condition, even in complete darkness, unlike night vision goggles that also use a form of infrared technology.

What Is It Used For?

Thermographic imaging services can be used for a number of applications, including identifying heating leaks in your business, locating water leaks, measuring the energy efficiency of a building and determining whether there are electrical or insulation issues present. You may wish to get a thermal imaging inspection as part of the typical inspection process associated with buying a business building. It can also be used to make repairs faster and more efficient.

Thermographic imaging is an easy way to measure the temperature of any given object, including entire homes and business buildings. This technology can provide a number of benefits and is useful in helping to find problems so they can be fixed before serious issues occur or to assess the integrity of a building before making a purchase. When you request thermographic imaging services, you can rest easy your business is in good condition at the end of the inspection and after any repairs have been made.

If you’re looking for a company to help with your thermographic imaging needs, contact us. We have the equipment and expertise required to complete the process quickly and efficiently.