The Unseen Problems Your Infrared Electrical Inspection May Find
While heat is a good thing in the cold winter months, it may not always be positive for your business. For instance, improper wiring can cause electrical circuits to overheat, possibly causing a fire. Getting an infrared electrical inspection using electrical thermography can provide the information you need to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone who works in your building.
Bad Wiring
The problem with bad wiring is it isn’t always made evident by inconsistent lighting or electronic operations. Conducting a thermal imaging survey of your electrical systems can help identify problem areas so your electrician can resolve the issue before you experience major loss.
Roof Moisture
Roof moisture surveys are used by building and facility managers around the world in order to locate moisture trapped in the roofing assemblies of their properties, plants and factories. Infrared detection can be used on almost all types of low slope roofs. With this technology, imagers can detect differences in heat on the roof and easily pinpoint any uneven heat dissipation and retained moisture. This excess moisture could lead to future problems for your building’s roof, including collapse. If it’s time for your regular inspection, infrared testing can be performed identify wet insulation areas.
A thermal imaging survey is a great way to find hidden problems before they show themselves. By the time these issues become evident to the naked eye, serious damage has often occurred, which requires more expensive repairs. Whether you save your business from a fire due to bad wiring, curtail high gas or electric bills or prevent water damage, the cost of one of these inspections is well worth it to ensure your building is protected from damage.
If you’re looking for a company to perform electrical thermography in your place of business, contact us. We take pride in providing the assistance you need to identify hidden issues before they become expensive.