
Infrared Consulting Services thermography inspection

Covers and Panels: Should They Really Be Taken Off?

One of the main challenges thermographers face during infrared electrical inspection procedures is having to remove protective covers and panels housing the equipment. While these panels are necessary from a work safety perspective, they can cause problems during a thermography inspection.

Infrared technology works more effectively when there is a clear line of sight to the equipment. When thermographers have to take the time to remove panels and covers, it takes them longer to complete the inspection, which costs businesses more money. But how necessary is it really to remove the panels? Read on to find out the importance.

Find The Source of the Problem

Thermographers can get decent images when they bypass the process of removing covers and panels. Essentially, they can see if there is a potential issue or temperature difference, but it’s virtually impossible to determine the source of the issue. Once the panel is removed for the thermographic imaging equipment, you will get a clearer picture of the underlying issue. This allows for more targeted repairs at the actual source of the problem rather than guessing at what may be causing the issue.

Cost Savings of Keeping Covers and Panels On

The longer an infrared electrical inspection takes, the more money a business will have to spend on the survey. This is one of the reasons why companies tell the thermographers to leave the covers and panels on and do the best job they can in order to save money. While this is a good short-term money-saving technique, it can obviously lead to much larger issues in the long-term.

Since thermographic imaging technology has to be clear of obstructions to be completely effective, thermographers can’t do their jobs to the best of their ability when they are limited. When companies choose to take shortcuts by not removing covers and panels, they are actually putting the business at greater risk of electrical fires and equipment malfunctions later on.

Precision and Accuracy is Critical With IR Testing

Every thermographic image taken by a thermographer tells a story about a particular piece of equipment. Without a clear view of the equipment, thermographers have to guess at what is happening in a certain situation. The main solution is to remove the covers and panels to ensure there are no obstructions so clear thermal imaging can be taken.

Another alternative businesses are choosing is to install infrared windows. These windows allow thermographers to do the most effective job without having to take the time to remove panels and covers. Companies will have to spend some money upfront to install the infrared windows, but the windows will pay for themselves over time after several inspections take place.

Infrared Consulting Services knows exactly how to be most efficient and effective when it comes to a thermography inspection. To learn more about how infrared technology works, or to book your inspection appointment, be sure to contact us.

Infrared Consulting Services thermography inspection

Could You Be Facing One of These Common Insulation Problems?

Insulation in a commercial building can sometimes be hit-or-miss. It is typically one of the last things on the list to get replaced if a building is older. However, newer buildings could have much better insulation, depending on when it was built.

There are many insulation problems businesses could have and not even know it. Since you generally don’t see your insulation on a daily basis, a thermography inspection may be required to see exactly how it’s holding up. You may not even know you’re facing one of these common insulation problems.

Aged Insulation

If a property was built more than a decade ago, chances are the insulation isn’t as effective as it could be. Of course, it may not necessarily be bad enough where the cost of replacing it is justified. When you use an IR thermography expert to analyze your insulation, they will be able to tell where the weak spots are and provide an estimate on how much longer it will be effective.

Too Much Insulation

When you have too much insulation, you could be causing some serious health issues for people in your building. Multiple layers of insulation could restrict airflow. Furthermore, if you have any sort of leak in your floors, walls or roof, moisture could pose a problem since it has nowhere to go. Mold and mildew can grow in the insulation and eventually become airborne as well. One of the main benefits of infrared inspection is to detect those holes to keep moisture out as much as possible.

Not Enough Insulation

Not having enough insulation won’t necessarily pose a health risk, but it can hurt the pocketbook. The main downfall of not having enough insulation is energy leaving the building. Your hot air won’t stay inside during the winter and your cool air won’t stay inside during the summer. This causes your HVAC unit to work overtime, which will result in higher energy bills.

Damaged Insulation

Insulation can be damaged by a variety of elements, including rodents and water. Animals try to find a warm place in the winter, so the first place they will look is in and around buildings. If they find an opening, they could damage your insulation quickly by making their nest in it.

A roof leak is also a main cause of damaged insulation. If you haven’t gotten a thermography inspection on your roof in a while, now is the time to do it. Once water gets into your insulation, it needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

Contaminated Insulation

Animals are generally the culprits when it comes to contaminated insulation. Their urine and droppings can create some bad smells in the house and can reduce the effectiveness of the insulation drastically.

Infrared Consulting Services is here to help provide IR thermography inspections for commercial buildings. To learn more about the benefits of infrared inspection, or to set up an appointment, be sure to contact us.

infrared thermography

Are Your Ovens, Kilns and Furnaces Leaking Heat?

Heat waste is one of the biggest problems large companies face. Sometimes the leaking is so minimal it’s difficult to detect without the right equipment. Infrared thermography is essential in detecting heat loss coming from things like ovens, kilns and furnaces.This comes as a surprise to many companies, as some people think IR testing is mainly for moisture detection and electrical surveys. However, these surveys are incredibly accurate when detecting hot spots and even the tiniest leaks in equipment, potentially saving your organization tens of thousands of dollars annually.

This comes as a surprise to many companies, as some people think IR testing is mainly for moisture detection and electrical surveys. However, these surveys are incredibly accurate when detecting hot spots and even the tiniest leaks in equipment, potentially saving your organization tens of thousands of dollars annually.

How IR Testing Detects Leaking Heat

When an IR thermography survey is conducted, the infrared equipment detects temperature differences in machinery and systems that could indicate heat leaks, clogged lines or other issues. Detecting these leaks will not only save money, but depending on the severity of the leak, could also help prevent a costly shutdown. A small problem now could turn into a larger problem later on, so any type of heat leak must be addressed immediately.

The best part about thermographic scanning is that nearly all heat sources and machinery can be scanned at one time. This means production doesn’t have to be interrupted and the scanning process won’t take long.


The bottom line: Companies can save money and resources by using certified thermographers instead of their own maintenance personnel to detect individual heat leaks.

Potential Sources of Heat Loss

Any time your company conducts thermographic scanning, you’ll likely find some areas needing to be addressed. Patching up the faulty equipment is just as important as finding the sources of the heat loss. The heat leaks could be the result of an insulation breakdown, for example. So if you would patch only the small portion of the machine where the heat leak is coming from, you’d be overlooking a larger issue.

Heat loss can come from a variety of sources, including excessive gear or bearing temperatures, insulation issues, moisture buildup and more. Finding the source of the issue and fixing it is the best way to save costs and prevent further issues from developing.

Consequences of Leaked Heat

There are obvious cost consequences when your machinery is leaking heat. Ovens, kilns and furnaces produce heat at high temperatures, so even the slightest heat leak will cause the machines to work harder. The unnecessarily harder work means they are running less efficiently and wasting energy in the process.

A small heat leak could have a large trickle-down effect if not addressed promptly. The worst-case scenario is the furnace or oven breaks down completely, forcing your company to shut down a portion of the production process.

The importance of infrared thermography when looking for possible heat leaks can’t be overstated. Companies can’t afford to ignore signs of possible heat leaks, even if they seem minor when discovered.
If you’ve never conducted an IR test at your facility, now is the time. Don’t wait! Contact us to schedule an appointment.

thermography inspection

IR and OSHA: How Infrared Testing Improves Worker Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was adopted to keep employees safe at work, especially those working in manufacturing plants or with high voltage electrical equipment. Many companies use infrared testing to avoid costly shutdowns and to prevent equipment from becoming faulty, but in some cases, IR testing is also a standard for OSHA. Infrared inspections and OSHA are both designed with worker safety in mind. Plus, infrared inspections are beneficial to companies from a cost standpoint. Check out these ways a thermography inspection can keep your employees safe and costs low:

Prevents Dangerous Problems

Infrared problem prevention is only possible with regular IR testing. Many times, a maintenance professional can’t detect certain issues before they become big and potentially dangerous problems. When it comes to electrical equipment, a small failure may produce devastating results, whether it’s from a business or personal injury standpoint.

There are no benefits to what happens with an electric systems failure, so why wouldn’t companies be proactive in preventing problems from happening? OSHA requires regular maintenance to be performed to keep workers safe, and infrared testing plays a big role in this maintenance.

High Safety and Health Standards

The safety and health standards developed by OSHA are only intended to protect employees while they work. When companies hire certified thermographers to conduct regular thermal inspections, the necessary safety guidelines set forth in OSHA are being satisfied.

But simply conducting an IR thermography inspection isn’t the only thing companies have to do. They also have to act on any issues found during the testing. If there is a faulty plug in an electrical system, then the plug has to be replaced before a worker gets injured. Some machines may show signs of wear and tear that could eventually be problematic. Instead of waiting until the machine completely malfunctions and or a worker is hurt, employers have to act quickly to prevent problems.

Requires Continuous Maintenance

OSHA requires continuous maintenance in any company. It’s not required to get an infrared thermography inspection every week, or even every month, but setting a regular schedule is recommended. Not only will these regular inspections detect problems before they occur, but they will prevent serious injuries to employees.

When machinery isn’t working like it’s designed to, employees will use different methods to work efficiently and make production goals. Sometimes, these methods can be dangerous, which is why OSHA requires maintenance like infrared testing. When a potential problem is detected, employers have to act swiftly to correct the issue to prevent injury. Liability here rests with the company, not with the employee, and OSHA fines are steep.

It’s in every company’s best interest to take all the necessary steps and precautions to keep worker safety a priority. If a company takes these steps to become OSHA compliant, then they will at least be covered from a liability standpoint.


To learn more about OSHA and how it relates to infrared testing, contact us today.

Water intrusion can be identified with a thermography inspection.

What Is Water Intrusion and Why Is It a Problem?

Water intrusion is a problem for any building or structure. It could be the result of holes, damaged walls, poor building design or even leaky water pipes. The main problem with water intrusion is it’s not easy to detect with the naked eye until it escalates. When moisture and water get behind walls and inside the building envelope, you could be looking at a lot of money in damages and repairs. With the help of IR thermography, you can prevent major damages by getting ahead of the problem and identifying the water intrusion before it takes over.

Water Intrusion in Walls and Roofs

There are many reasons water can get in walls and through roofs, but sometimes those reasons aren’t easy to identify. If water intrusion happens slowly and gradually in walls and roofs, the damage could get to the point where the entire structure has to be replaced. Mold could develop, making it a dangerous place to live or work in. However, by doing a regular thermography inspection, you can catch the problem before it gets to that point.

Preventing Mold and Other Water Damage

When water gets inside the building envelope, the moisture doesn’t have anywhere to go nor any ventilation to evaporate through. That creates an environment ideal for mold growth and can get worse the longer it’s there. Once the mold is detected, the affected building’s occupants will have to evacuate immediately, causing further problems on a much wider scale. Thermal imaging services can identify areas where moisture could be growing so you can take quick and decisive action.

Why You Should Use Infrared Technology

Sometimes it’s impossible to see a potential leak. Whether it’s in a pipe behind a wall or a pipe that’s clearly visible, any potential sources of water intrusion must be examined frequently. A routine thermography inspection can give you images of areas where moisture is present by examining temperature differences. It’s impossible to see or feel these spots without infrared equipment so having a professional run a survey periodically will help prevent major water intrusion.

Water intrusion can happen in any building, no matter how well it is maintained. As buildings get older, their materials start to wear down and slowly allow water to enter where it shouldn’t. Before you have to deal with the headache that comes with major water intrusion, give us a call to do a quick infrared survey and give you peace of mind.

Motor systems can improve with infrared consulting services.

How Infrared Consulting Services Can Help Improve Your Motor Systems

Having a motor maintenance program in place is one of the most overlooked aspects in companies today. By doing a circuit analysis and thermography inspection, you can predict when to perform maintenance rather than waiting until it’s too late. Many people underestimate the value of infrared testing. However, the cost savings in the long run are significant enough to give infrared testing a serious look. Here are some ways infrared services can help improve your motor systems.

Identify Any Potential Repairs Needed

Infrared problem prevention methods will provide you with results you wouldn’t otherwise see. It’s difficult for anyone to see or feel when the temperature of any part of a motor is warmer or cooler than the other. With infrared testing, you can easily identify hot spots, which could cause problems in the short-term or long-term. Performing a test to identify potential repairs before a problem occurs is a big cost saver.

Makes Motors More Reliable

Any infrared consulting services will look at your motor from the standpoint it should be running perfectly. It’s much easier to diagnose a problem if you are looking at the motor in general, rather than just a specific component or two. When you have a professional do routine infrared testing on your motors, they will be able to compare how the motor looked the previous time versus during the current test. As long as routine testing is completed, you’ll have a better chance of having a more reliable and efficient motor.

Predictive Maintenance

When you do a thermography inspection, you are essentially conducting preventive maintenance. Whether or not you think there is a current issue with a motor, it’s still a good idea to get infrared testing done regularly. Since it is impossible to detect some problems with the naked eye, IR testing can help you see a potential problem before it escalates and becomes costly.

Infrared testing is an essential part of any predictive maintenance program for motors. When it’s completed correctly and routinely, companies will experience much lower maintenance costs, as well as higher productivity, more reliability and increased uptime. Without a solid predictive maintenance program, you’re leaving the health of your motor to chance. The money you spend for routine motor maintenance upfront will pay for itself in the long run.

Many companies are beginning to see the benefits of having an infrared problem prevention program in place. Our consultants at Infrared Consulting Services can identify problems at any workplace, even if there doesn’t appear to be an issue at all. If you need to schedule an infrared test for your motors, contact us today to set up an appointment or to get more information about the procedure.

Identify air leaks with thermographic scanning.

How to Spot Air Leaks – And What to Do About It

Every business owner knows the importance of preventing problems before they have the chance to escalate so why do certain potential problems slip our minds? Take your commercial facility’s ventilation systems, for instance. People rarely notice the signs of energy leaks until they receive their utility bills for the month. Yet, even after this shock to the wallet, most people fail to recognize just what is causing this spike in energy prices for their facility.

Eventually, they may seek thermography inspection services but not before the problem becomes unmanageable. Here is how you can effectively identify signs of air leaks within your facility and take full advantage of an infrared inspection before your problem gets worse.

Look for Cracks

While these methods are not fool-proof, they may prove to be a great place to start in terms of locating air leaks. One method involves slipping a small piece of paper or a dollar bill into one of the spaces in your facility, such as a window or door. You’ll know you have a leak if the dollar can be easily removed through the spaces. Additionally, you can have a helper stand outside the facility while you point a light at any spot you suspect could contain a crack. If any large crack exists in the structure, you have a definite leak on your hands and should contact a thermographic scanning professional.

Perform a Pressurization Test

If neither of the above-mentioned methods help you uncover any leakage issues, you can always turn to a pressurization test. To do this, wait until a particularly blustery day to switch your exhaust fans and/or furnaces off. Afterward, close any venting spaces that lead to the outside. You can then walk around your facility and test the areas you suspect of leakage with your hand or a lighter to see if there are any signs of wind leaking from the outside.

Examine Your Facility

You will most likely find leaks around doors or windows. This proves especially true if your facility is an older building. Check them out by grabbing them firmly and moving them side-to-side. If you find they creak or wiggle, you can safely suspect a leak is present.
Additionally, you can check other ventilation and circulation systems around your facility just as easily. If you see any loose areas around your foundation or pipes, it’s highly likely you have a leak on your hands.
There are a few other areas you can and should check as well:

  • exterior of your chimney
  • outdoor plumbing
  • corners of the facility’s exterior
If none of these tests are successful, another easy method of detecting leaks is IR thermography. In fact, thermographic scanning is the most effective means of detecting leaks and other problems due to their highly accurate but non-intrusive nature. Contact us today to learn how you can use IR thermography to help your facility save money and be more energy efficient!
find issues with infrared inspection services.

Why an Infrared Roof Moisture Survey Is Important

Problems always seem to occur where and when you least expect them. This holds true for every aspect of life, from your health to your relationships to your workplace. However, all too often we do nothing about a problem until it surfaces in ways we can’t help but notice. If you’ve ever dealt with a roof leak or any other roofing problem, you know the stress and effort involved in getting it repaired. However, there is a way to detect problems with your roof before they escalate: through an infrared roof moisture survey. You may not have heard of such an inspection procedure, but they are worth investing in for the well-being of your property and your peace of mind.

What is an Infrared Roof Moisture Survey?

It’s one of the most non-intrusive procedures you can use for a building inspection. Infrared roof moisture surveys evaluate the temperatures circulating throughout your facility and create a report based on these findings. If the insulation in your roofing is wet, it will pull in far more heat than it should, especially at night. A roof moisture survey will be able to pick up on this abnormal amount of heat, allowing inspectors to identify problem areas and to notify you of the sections that need the most attention.

Locate problems with the help of an infrared roof moisture survey.

An infrared roof moisture survey can help you locate problems.

Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys Are Cost-Effective

As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. While a roof moisture survey may sound expensive, its cost will never compare to what you will have to pay to repair damages to your roofing. Roof moisture surveys are conducted in a safe, non-invasive manner. They give you the full scope of your roof’s condition so you can make the most informed decision about what needs to be done for your building’s maintenance. A professional thermography inspection will help lengthen the lifespan of your current roofing materials. I can also provide clues to any potential problems before they degrade any further.

What Will Happen If I Don’t Get a Roof Moisture Inspection?

If you don’t get a roof inspection performed on a regular basis, you risk having to replace your entire roof due to soggy insulation. Insulation that has become too wet can also lead to other problems besides a costly roof repair, such as:

  • Extra weight for your facility to support
  • Potential harm to the interior of your facility that can damage your equipment and even cause accidents for your employees
  • An increased rate of decay for your facility’s structural deck
  • Higher energy bills, leading to additional expenses
  • The growth of mold in your facility, which can spread in the air and create a breathing risk

At Infrared Consulting Services, we specialize in infrared inspection services. We would be happy to conduct an inspection on your property. We make it our business to detect potentially devastating structural issues in your place of business. Then help you tackle them in the most efficient manner possible. Contact us today for more information!